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All of the plans for sale are listed below, along with the associated architect or designer. Because of the wide range of options available for each plan, the links for purchasing them can be found at the bottom of each individual plan page.
Ferid Abbasher: Earth-sheltered Passive Home, Earth-sheltered Atrium, Earth-sheltered Active Home, Solar Hybrid Home
Sven Erik Alstrom: Kansas Ranch House, Santa Fe I, Santa Fe III, Santa Fe IV, Great Plains, Great Plains II
Paul Breaux: Chez Soleil

Mark Clipsham:Affordable Grain Bin Home, Grain Bin Cabin, Hidie Hole, Lake House, The Classic, Round/Elliptical House, Sized Just Right, Solar/Moon Gate Home,Tiny Starter Home, Tri-Arm,Truly Affordable Duplex, Tubehaus, Victorian Farmhouse, and Yin Yang.

John Fordice: Solar Oval One

Dr. Owen Geiger: Barn-style House, Beachcomber, Chalet, Chonburi, Cordwood House, Country House, Cozy Cottage, Craftsman House, Crow Design, Dissaster Resistant Dome, Double Unit Ecoresort, Double Wide Farmhouse, Duplex, Earth Lodge, Earth Lodge with Domes, Earthbag Arc House, Earthbag Beach House, Earthbag/Geodesic Dome, Earthbag Office, Earth-bermed Natural House, Earthworm, English Earthbag Cottage, Enviro Earthbag Dome, Enviro Earthbag Dome 2, Farm Guesthouse, Farmhouse, Fourplex, Green House, Garage/Apartment, Hexagonal/Round House, Hobbit House, Kabin, L-Shaped House, Mediterranean House, Modern House, Modular Pods, Mountain Cottage, Native Spirit, Peace Dome, Roundhouse/Dome Cluster, Roundhouse Studio, Shop with Office, Solar Cabin, Solar Dome, Solar Ranch House, Solar Santa Fe, Spiral Dome Magic, Spiral Earthbag House, Spiral 2, Subterranean Survival Shelter, Summer Breeze, Sweet Spot, 10 meter Earthbag Roundhouse, Tinyville Earthbag Domes, Torus Design, Tower House, Triple Dome Survival Shelter, Triple Roundhouse Cluster, 1.5 Story Roundhouse, 2 Bedroom Roundhouse, 2-Story Earthbag Roundhouse, 2-Story Roundhouse above Survival Shelter, U-Shaped House, Wilderness Cabin, Zero Enery One, Zero Energy Two, Zero Energy Four

Kelly Hart: Carriage House, Baca Hybrid, Sacred Mountains Weaving Studio
Glen Hyman Contemporary Craftsman, Contemporary Ranch
Angus Macdonald: Earth Court, Hilltop Court, Solareon Court, Earth Tempered Tiny House
Dennis Nelson: Costa Rica Bed & Breakfast, Cape Cod Island, Modern Santa Fe, Wilderness Retreat, MILA/Garage, Garage/Shop, Two Man Hut
Walt Quade: Green Home Oregon
Michael Reynolds: Global Earthship
Touson Saryon:  Bale Studio, Cozy Strawbale, Kozy Kasa, Strawbale Solar Abode, Casa del Sol, Casa del Sol 1900, Eco Nest 1200, Eco Farmhouse 1700, Strawbale Cottage, Eco Family 1400, Eco Family 1600, Eco Family 1900, Strawbale Retreat 900 , Strawbale Retreat 1100, Bale Cabin, Western View, Bale Courtyard, Solar Homestead, Northern Lights, Simply Green, Southwest Ranch, Eco Ranch
Jason Whitfield: Straw Bale SIP

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I specifically disclaim any warranty, either expressed or implied, concerning the information on these pages. Neither I nor any of the designer/architects associated with this site will have liability for loss, damage, or injury, resulting from the use of any information found on this, or any other page at this site. Kelly Hart, Hartworks, Inc.


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